Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Explore the Beauty of the Lower Chippewa River

The Tiffany Train Ride is a great way to experience the natural
wonders of the Lower Chippewa River.
The Lower Chippewa River is one of The Nature Conservancy's 327 Critical Watersheds for Conservation. This stretch of the river has designated four Wildlife Areas, three State Natural Areas, one Extensive Wildlife Habitat Area, as well as a 72,000 acre Important Bird Area. These properties are home to 125 rare species, 87 vertebrate Species of Greatest Conservation need and 20 Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern mussel, dragonfly and mayfly species.  139 bird species breed within the Lower Chippewa River Important Bird Area, and 70% of fish species present in Wisconsin are found in the Lower Chippewa River.

If you wish to experience some of the natural wonders found along the Lower Chippewa River, come spend the day with Citizen Science Center staff and special guests on an open-air antique train as it chugs along 14 miles of track through the Tiffany Bottoms on Saturday September 16.  Topics will include property management, use of the area by Native Americans, plants, birds, Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, and more!  Registration fees support the Citizen Science Center. For more details visit our website or the Chippewa Valley Motor Car Association website or contact Jeanette at
Massagauga Rattlesnake, Photo Courtesy
 of Joe Crowley,
Nature Ontario and USFW

Written by Emily Lind, CSC Technician

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