Friday, February 17, 2023

Love in the Air at Our Valentine’s Day Candlelight Snowshoe Hike

Candles lining a hiking trail in winter.
While some birds fly south for the winter, love birds flocked to Beaver Creek Reserve to celebrate Valentine’s Day early with a candlelight snowshoe hike. Starting at the Wise Nature Center on the South Campus, snowshoers set off on a mile-long path lined with candles to take in the wonders of nature.

Winter may not be the first time of year people think of going on a hike, but this season gives Beaver Creek a unique charm that can’t be replicated any other time of year. Snow covering the tree branches and drifting on the paths made the experience feel like one from a movie, and the half-frozen creeks were a sight to behold.

In addition to the candles in the snow, hikers found themselves guided by the stars in the sky as well. A cloudless night made for a dazzling display above the tree line, with iconic constellations like Orion and the Big Dipper making an appearance.

Back at the Nature Center, smiling faces and two roaring bonfires greeted visitors ready to relax and warm up after their time on the trail. Cheerful chatter and the pop of champagne corks filled the air as everyone enjoyed each other's company alongside glasses of champagne and cups of hot cocoa.

The constellation of Orion above trees
The constellation of Orion above the candlelit trail.
If you missed out on the festivities, don't worry! Our trails remain open for all to enjoy,  but be sure to check our website for trail conditions and rental availability. We also have more programs to offer so you can get outside and take advantage of the fresh winter air. Check out our events calendaand register now!

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